Cricket Fever – Folks Pub & Brewery | Pashupati Colony, Agra

Folks Pub & Brewery -- Pashupati Colony -- Agra Mahatma Gandhi Rd, near District & Sessions Court, Pashupati Colony, Khandari, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Attendance: 0 / ∞

NOTE: By attending this event, you agree to being filmed at the venue and that content may be used for marketing purposes

Oscars & Hollywood Night – Folks Pub & Brewery | Pashupati Colony, Agra

Folks Pub & Brewery -- Pashupati Colony -- Agra Mahatma Gandhi Rd, near District & Sessions Court, Pashupati Colony, Khandari, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Attendance: 0 / ∞

NOTE: By attending this event, you agree to being filmed at the venue and that content may be used for marketing purposes

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